
Cura Day Hospitals Group

Update: COVID-19 Information for Patients and Carers

Given the rapidly evolving situation relating to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Australia and globally, from Sunday 15th March 2020, our organisation will be taking additional precautionary measures to ensure the safety of our patients, staff and Doctors.

All patients will receive a pre-operative phone call prior to their admission to determine their suitability for elective surgery.

If any patients are identified during the call to have returned from a high risk country (China, Iran, Italy, South Korea) within the previous 14 days, but arrived back on or before Sunday 15th March 2020, their surgery will be rescheduled until 14 days after their return, if they are not showing symptoms. They will be advised to self-isolate, monitor their health and seek medical attention should they develop symptoms.

If any patients, or their immediate family or household members, are identified during the call to have returned from a high or moderate risk country (any overseas return travel) after Sunday 15th March 2020, their surgery will be rescheduled until 14 days after their return, if they are not showing symptoms. They will be advised to self-isolate, monitor their health and seek medical attention should they develop symptoms.

If any patient that has been in casual or close contact with a suspected or confirmed case within the previous 14 days, their surgery will be postponed until 14 days after the contact, if they are not showing symptoms. They will be advised to monitor their health and seek medical attention should they develop symptoms.

Any patient experiencing any of the following symptoms will have their surgery postponed until the symptoms have subsided. They will be advised to monitor their health and seek medical attention should the symptoms not subside.

  • Fever (37.4 °C or above)
  • Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath

Patient escorts and carers will be discouraged from remaining at the facility after the patient’s admission. The escort/carer will be notified when the patient is ready for discharge. Where possible, only one escort/carer should attend the facility with the patient.

As this is a rapidly changing situation, please visit the Commonwealth of Australia Department of Health website or phone the Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080 for the latest updates, including advice on symptoms and precautions.

The safety of our patients and staff remains our highest priority. Please be assured that we are monitoring developments closely and are well prepared to manage a range of scenarios and outcomes. In addition, the COVID-19 Response Team will continue to meet regularly to consider any emerging information and the potential impacts on our hospitals.

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