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APC is a procedure in which a Gastroenterologist seals irregular or bleeding tissue during a gastroscopy or colonoscopy using ionized argon gas.
A Colonoscopy is an examination of the colon (large intestine) using a long, thin, flexible tube with a camera called a colonoscope.
A gastroscopy is an examination of the upper digestive tract (the oesophagus, the stomach and duodenum) using a long, thin, flexible tube with a camera called a gastroscope.
Haemorrhoid banding, or rubber band ligation (RBL) is a relatively non-invasive procedure where elastic bands are applied to the base of the haemorrhoids in order to cut off blood supply and flatten the haemorrhoids.
There is no one recommended screening test for gastric cancer. Screening and diagnostic tests for oesophageal and gastric cancer can be performed via endoscopy. Other screening methods include barium swallow/upper GI x-ray or endoscopic ultrasound.
Oesophageal Dilation is a procedure performed to stretch or widen the oesophagus using weighted dilators.
Polyps are growths on the inside of the colon or gastrointestinal tract and are very common. A polypectomy can be performed during a colonoscopy or gastroscopy procedure.
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