Subiaco Private Hospital

Subiaco Private Hospital

Hospital information

About Subiaco Private Hospital

Subiaco Private Hospital is an accredited multi-disciplinary hospital that provides 2 operating theatres to offer a broad range of surgical services for all patients. The Hospital was opened in 2010 and has since built a well-deserved reputation for excellence in clinical care throughout the Perth community.

The hospital provides secure accommodation for both day-stay and overnight patients as follows: 8 overnight beds situated in shared rooms on the ward, 4 Stage I recovery beds, 3 Stage II recovery beds and 4 Stage III recovery recliners. Specialty fields include ENT, Plastic & Reconstructive, Hand & Upper Limb, Ophthalmology, Oral and Maxillofacial and General Surgery.

Subiaco Private Hospital is licensed with WA Health.

In October 2016, Subiaco Private Hospital became part of the Cura Day Hospitals Group.

As a patient of Subiaco Private Hospital, you have the option to complete your admission form online. Please click the following link to access our secure online health portal.
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