The Eye Hospital

The Eye Hospital

Hospital information

About The Eye Hospital

The Eye Hospital was built as a co-operative venture between Dr R Westmore and Dr N Downie, who had both practised independently in Launceston for many years.


The increasingly sophisticated and specialised nature of ophthalmic surgery was recognised and a purpose built centre was opened in 1993, becoming the first registered day procedure centre in Tasmania.

The Eye Hospital is licensed to the Department of Health and Human Services. The Eye Hospital located at 262 Charles Street, Launceston TAS 7250.

In 1996 the facility was expanded to provide additional room for Laser Vision Correction Surgery to be done locally and to accommodate the rapid growth of The Eye Hospital’s medical team and patient numbers.

The Eye Hospital has 3 operating theatres utilising the latest state-of-the-art equipment together with a fully equipped first and second stage recovery unit.

Theatre facilities for dental procedures requiring general anaesthesia are also performed in the safe and controlled environment of the hospital.

In August 2013, The Eye Hospital became part of the Cura Day Hospitals Group.

As a patient of The Eye Hospital, you have the option to complete your admission form online. Please click the following link to access our secure online health portal.
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