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Low Fibre Diet
To prepare for a successful colonoscopy, it is important that you follow a simple process to ensure that your bowel is clean. Poor preparation can result in the doctor not being able to examine your bowel properly and the procedure may need to be rescheduled for another day.
How to prepare for a colonoscopy:
- Follow a low fibre diet for three days prior to your procedure. Please refer to the list below for low fibre foods that you are allowed to consume leading up to your procedure.
- Fibre supplements such as Metamucil and psyllium husks must be stopped at the time of commencing the low fibre diet.
- Iron supplements and natural and homeopathic therapies including fish oil, Omega 3, glucosamine and vitamin supplements must also be ceased leading up to your procedure.
Low Fibre Diet
Suggested Low Fibre Menu Plan
- Online admissions
As a patient of Toowoomba Surgicentre, you have the option to complete your admission form online. Please click the following link to access our secure online health portal.
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