
Cura Day Hospitals Group provides high quality, patient-centred care in many specialty areas including Ophthalmology, Gastroenterology, Oral-Maxillofacial, Plastic & Reconstructive, Orthopaedic, Gynaecology, IVF, Urology and Ear, Nose & Throat.

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Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA) surgery is a procedure that involves inserting a titanium implant into the skull to treat hearing loss. The surgery is usually performed by an otolaryngologist.

Cautery of septum, or nasal cauterisation, is a procedure in which the mucous membranes in the nose are cauterised in order to treat nosebleeds (epistaxis).

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is a surgical treatment for some diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses.  It is usually undertaken as surgical treatment for sinusitis and nasal polyposis, including fungal sinusitis.

Mastiodectomy is a surgical procedure to remove an infected portion of the bone behind the ear when medical treatment is not effective.

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure which improves the appearance or function of the nose by reshaping the nasal bone and cartilage. It is performed by either an Otolaryngologist – head and neck surgeon, Maxillofacial surgeon, or Plastic surgeon.

Sialendoscopy is the endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of conditions involving the Submandibular and Parotid salivary glands. The most common condition is where a sialolith (or stone) caused by a calcium build up, has caused an obstruction.  Sialendoscopes enable to surgeon to simultaneously locate and remove the stones.

A stapedectomy is a surgical procedure of the middle ear performed to improve hearing.

A turbinectomy is a procedure to relieve nasal congestion in which some or all of the turbinate bones in the nasal passage are removed.

In chronic cases of otitis media with effusions present for months, surgery is sometimes performed to insert a grommet, called a “tympanostomy tube” into the eardrum to allow air to pass through into the middle ear, and release any pressure build up and help clear excess fluid within.

An anal fissure is a small tear or ulcer in the skin around the opening of the anus. Anal fissures can be treated with several different types of surgery, the most common of which are lateral internal sphincterotomy (a small incision is made in the internal anal sphincter muscle to relax it) or a fissurectomy (in which the surgeon removes all damaged skin around the fissure to enable the wound to heal).

APC is a procedure in which a Gastroenterologist seals irregular or bleeding tissue during a gastroscopy or colonoscopy using ionized argon gas.

A capsule endoscopy is a procedure in which the patient swallows a small, capsule endoscopy wireless camera whilst wearing a halter monitor. The camera travels through the digestive tract, including the small intestine, and it takes thousands of pictures. It then transmits them to a receiver.

Flexible sigmoidoscopy is a test that uses a flexible, narrow tube with a light and tiny camera on one end, called a sigmoidoscope , to look inside the rectum and the lower, or sigmoid, colon.

Haemorrhoid banding, or rubber band ligation (RBL) is a relatively non-invasive procedure where elastic bands are applied to the base of the haemorrhoids in order to cut off blood supply and flatten the haemorrhoids.

This procedure refers to the infusion of an iron and saline mixture directly into the bloodstream through the use of an IV.

The National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP) invites Australians aged over 50 to screen for bowel cancer using a free, simple test at home. Australia has one of the highest rates of bowel cancer in the world. Around one in 23 Australians will develop bowel cancer during their lifetime.

Click here for more information

There is no one recommended screening test for gastric cancer. Screening and diagnostic tests for oesophageal and gastric cancer can be performed via endoscopy. Other screening methods include barium swallow/upper GI x-ray or endoscopic ultrasound.

Oesophageal Dilation is a procedure performed to stretch or widen the oesophagus using weighted dilators.

Sclerotherapy is used as a treatment for Varicose and Spider Veins. It involves the injection of a solution into the vein to intentionally damage the vein causing it to gradually disappear.

Carpal tunnel release is a surgery used to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. There are two types of Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery; Endoscopic and Open.

Endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery is the use of an endoscope to cut the transverse carpal ligament. The endoscope is usually inserted through a small incision in the palm.

During the open surgery, the surgeon will cut the carpal ligament to relieve pressure on the median nerve, and make more space for the nerve and tendons.

A hemorrhoidectomy is surgery to remove hemorrhoids, whether they’re internal or external. Surgery is typically not the first line of treatment. But when all else fails, hemorrhoidectomy is a safe, effective treatment that doesn’t just make hemorrhoids easier to live with — it gets rid of them altogether.

Laparoscopic hernia surgery is a surgical procedure in which a laparoscope is inserted into the abdomen through a small incision to repair the hernia.

Laparoscopic Cholecysectomy is the removal of the gallbladder through ‘key hole surgery.’

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding is a procedure to treat obesity in which a band is fitted around the upper part of the stomach leaving only a very small pouch for food.

A sphincterotomy is the most common treatment for anal fissure and involves surgery on the internal anal sphincter muscles.

Surgical removal of lesions is a simple procedure undertaken to remove growths such as lesions, tumours or moles for either medical or cosmetic reasons.

Lipomas are fatty lumps that develop under your skin. Most lipomas are harmless and don’t need to be removed.

Surgery is sometimes used to remove lipomas for cosmetic reasons or if they’re causing pain. It’s rare for lipomas to return after surgery.

Lipoma removal is usually a simple procedure. Here’s a general idea of what you can expect:

  1. A local anesthetic is injected around the lump to numb the area.
  2. Your doctor will make a cut in your skin over the lipoma.
  3. They’ll then remove the lipoma and stitch the wound.

Your surgery will likely take less than an hour and possibly less than half an hour.

Usually, the incision will be about the width of the lipoma. Your surgeon may also perform the squeeze technique. During this variation, the lipoma is pushed through a smaller incision. The squeeze technique can help minimize scarring, but it’s often ineffective for larger lipomas.

Bladder neck injections are injections of bulking agents into the urethra to improve the seal at the bottom of the bladder. This procedure is usually performed as a treatment for stress incontinence.

A cone biopsy procedure is usually an outpatient surgery. It takes less than an hour to do, and you can usually go home on the same day. You’ll receive anesthesia so you won’t feel any pain, but the type of anesthetic depends on how much tissue they need to remove.

You might be given a:

  • Local anesthetic, which numbs the area and helps you to relax
  • Regional anesthetic, injected into your spine
  • General anesthetic, which puts you to sleep for the procedure

The procedure is much like a Pap smear. You lay on your back with your feet in stirrups, and your doctor inserts an instrument into your vagina to keep it open. Then, they place a magnifying instrument called a colposcope near your vulva (the outer part of your genitals) and shine a light into your vagina so they can see your cervix and guide their tools.

Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a procedure to remove tissue from inside the uterus. A D&C is usually performed to diagnose and treat certain uterine conditions.

Endometrial Ablation is a procedure that surgically removes the lining of the uterus in order to reduce, or stop menstrual flow.

A hysteroscopy is the procedure in which a thin, lighted tube is used to examine the inside of the uterus and cervix. Hysteroscopy can be used in the diagnosis and treatment of several conditions such as abnormal bleeding, polyps or tumours inside the uterus, and adhesions.

For some women, the Mirena intrauterine device (IUD) is an effective, long-term option for birth control. IUD insertion takes a few minutes in a doctor’s office.

Because the procedure is not surgical, it doesn’t require anesthesia or incisions. The doctor will insert a speculum to get a clear look at the cervix. After that, the doctor will use an antiseptic solution to clean the cervix and vagina. During Mirena placement, some doctors will use a local anesthetic to help numb the cervix. Then, the IUD enters the opening of the cervix and goes into the uterus in a thin, plastic tube. The doctor will cut the threads dangling from the device to a length of about 3 centimeters outside the cervix. The doctor should show you how to check your threads periodically.

Also known as ‘key-hole’ surgery, a laparoscopy is the procedure in which a laparoscope containing a fibre-optic camera and/or surgical heads is inserted through a small incision in the abdomen.  Some of the many problems which can be diagnosed or treated by laparoscopy are infertility, reproductive problems, ectopic pregnancy, urinary disease and liver and pancreas cancer.

LLETZ is an acronym for Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone. It is an operation done to remove abnormal cells from the cervix or the neck of your womb. An electrical current is passed through a thin wire loop that acts like a scalpel which cuts away a thin layer of the cervix

LLETZ stands for large loop excision of the transformation zone (of the cervix). In this procedure, the surgeon will remove a small segment of the cervix (the lower part of your womb or uterus) for examination.

Suction curettage is performed under local anesthesia using a sterile plastic cannula or curette inserted through a progressively dilated cervix with aspiration of the uterine contents by an electric pump. The procedure is completed by the physician’s examination of the aspirate for the presence of placental villi.

Trans-vaginal tape repair is a surgical treatment for female stress incontinence. The procedure combines the use of mesh tape and a sling to support the urethra.

Vaginal repair using sutures or stitches to repair the prolapsed vaginal tissues is the commonest form of prolapse surgery. Repairing a prolapse with sutures is often referred to as a colporrhaphy and uses a patient’s own native tissue. No mesh is used in this surgery. This operation is usually recommended for women who have prolapse of the bladder (cystocele) or rectum (rectocele) or a combination of both. This surgery can be performed in combination with other procedures for urinary incontinence and hysterectomy.

Prolapse surgery can be performed with a spinal anaesthetic or a general anaesthetic. Incisions are made inside the vagina and the tissue supporting the vagina is strengthened with stitches. Sutures provide reinforcement of the weakened vaginal tissue. An additional stitch may be required at the top of the vagina or into the cervix to support the vagina or uterus from the sacrospinous ligament. For some women with complex prolapse, surgery may be reinforced with tissue taken through a small incision from the thigh (fascia lata). The vaginal incision is then closed with stitches that will dissolve after two to four weeks. At the end of the operation a catheter is inserted into the bladder to drain urine and a gauze pack is placed in the vagina to prevent bleeding.  These will remain in place over night. Antibiotics will be given during the surgery and blood thinning medication is given after surgery.

A colposcopy is a simple procedure used to look at the cervix, the lower part of the womb at the top of the vagina. It’s often done if cervical screening finds abnormal cells in your cervix.

IVF was originally developed to treat women with irreparably damaged Fallopian tubes.  It allows those stages of conception which usually occur in the tubes – oocyte (egg) collection, fertilization and early embryo development – to be performed in the laboratory i.e. in vitro.  It is now widely used to treat most forms of infertility including endometriosis, male infertility, immunological infertility, and idiopathic or unexplained infertility.

Lipiodol flushing is a procedure similar to hysterosalpingogram (HSG). A catheter is inserted into the cervix, lipiodol (medical grade, iodized poppyseed oil) is then injected into the uterus and fallopian tubes with guidance from an X-ray (a flush procedure can use a water-soluble medium, but lipiodol is the preferred material).

Natural Killer Cell Test. This is usually brought to notice via swelling near the pelvic and uterus. Hence a Natural Killer Cells Test is needed in such cases to detect and regulate the activity levels of these cells.


Oocyte Pick Up (OPU) is the surgical procedure in the IVF cycle in which the eggs are collected or retrieved.

Surgical Sperm Collection/Retrieval is a procedure designed to collect sperm from either the epididymis or testis. It is used in conjunction with in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) or intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to give men who have no sperm in the ejaculate (azoospermia) the opportunity to father their own child.

Embryo transfer consists of depositing the embryos generated in the laboratory in the woman’s uterus, waiting for them to implant and give rise to a pregnancy. It is a simple and painless process that does not require anesthesia.

Normally, the embryo transfer is carried out in a room attached to the laboratory to avoid risks in the handling and transport of the embryos.

The success of the embryo transfer does not only depend on the quality of the embryos, but it is also important to assess the state and receptivity of the endometrium.

An Endoscopic Brow Lift is a procedure in which a small endoscope is used to perform brow lift surgery. The scope is inserted into small incisions behind the hairline, providing surgeons with a clear view of the muscles and tissues beneath the skin.

A Punctoplasty is performed to widen the punctual opening to improve the drainage of tears in patients with punctual stenosis (the abnormal narrowing of the lacrimal punctum).

Tarsorraphy is a procedure in which the eyelids are partially sewn together in order to protect the eye (in most cases the cornea).

A blood transfusion is defined as the transfer of blood from a healthy person to a patient.

A Bone Marrow Biopsy is a procedure in which a sample of the bone marrow is taken for testing to identify infection or disease in the bone marrow.

Chemotherapy is the use of anti-cancer drugs to destroy cancer cells.

Venesection, or phlebotomy, is the removal of blood from the body (usually through an incision or needle) for analysis or donation. It can be used as a treatment for haemochromatosis and polycythemia.

This involves having surgery to replace your cornea with a cornea that has been removed from someone  who has  died. The cornea you will receive is referred to as the donor cornea. The donor cornea to be used for your transplant will be provided by an Eye Bank.

This technique is a modification of the split thickness forms of corneal transplantation originating from Deep Lamellar Endothelial Keratoplasty (DLEK) which we developed and introduced to the United States in the year 2000 and which we later modified into Descemet’s Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSEK). DLEK, DSEK and DMEK are all forms of “endothelial keratoplasty” and are used instead of the full thickness traditional method called “penetrating keratoplasty” (PK).

Cyclodiode laser treatment causes cyclodestruction, destroying a portion of the ciliary body, a structure in the eye which produces aqueous fluid. This can reduce the amount of fluid produced and therefore reduce pressure inside the eye. The laser energy is directed to the ciliary body via a probe that is held against the wall of the eye.

Enucleation of the eye is the surgical removal of the eye. It is a mostly used as treatment for malignant tumor in the eye or to relieve intolerable pain in a blind eye.

Evisceration is a surgical technique by which all intraocular contents are removed while preserving the scleral shell, and surrounding muscle.

Many retinal diseases require an injection in the eye. Injections are the most efficient way to treat diseases such as macular degeneration, macular edema and non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. An intravitreal injection allows us to introduce a medicine in the eye where it can reach the retina quickly and with minimal systemic side effects. Before the procedure, a technician will sterilize the eye with iodine solution and numb the eye with topical eye drops and lidocaine jelly. The doctor will then deliver the medication to the eye using a very small and thin needle. The procedure only takes a few minutes. After the procedure some discomfort and tearing may be common.

Femtosecond-assisted (Femto) laser in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is a type of laser eye surgery. This method, along with other refractory surgeries, is used to reshape the cornea of the eye in an effort to resolve vision problems.

A Gundersen Flap is a surgical procedure in which a section of the patient’s conjunctiva is sutured over a damaged section of their cornea in order to protect it.

Keratectomy surgery is a corrective eye procedure to address cornea scarring or opacity. A top ophthalmologist may perform the procedure using traditional surgical tools or a laser device. The eye surgery improves your vision by smoothing an opaque or irregularly-shaped corneal epithelium. Your eye doctor uses one of several methods to create a smoother epithelium, which improves the functionality of your cornea, improving your vision.

A penetrating keratoplasty, or corneal transplant, replaces diseased or scarred corneal tissue with healthy tissue from an organ donor.  Corneal transplants can treat a number of conditions such as keratoconus, Fuchs’ dystrophy, corneal infection, corneal dystrophy and corneal injury or trauma.

A scleral buckle is when a silicone band is placed on the outer wall of the eye to close a retinal tear. Injections of gas or cryotherapy (intense cold) are also used to assist the buckle in closing the retinal tear.

An apicoectomy is a straightforward, minor surgical procedure that’s done on children and adults as a way to save at-risk teeth and prevent potentially serious complications.

An apicoectomy is also known as root end surgery. This is because it involves the removal of a tooth’s root tip and surrounding tissue. It’s also called apical surgery, which refers to the “apex,” or end, of the tooth.

If your health professional tells you that you need an apicoectomy, it’s probably because even though your tooth has already had a root canal, there’s residual inflammation or infection near the root tip that reaches into your jawbone.

A biopsy is a procedure where a small piece of tissue is removed from an area so that it can be looked at closely under a microscope.

Bone augmentation for dental implants are sometimes necessary when a patient does not have enough bone available to properly anchor the screw or other implant hardware. Dental bone augmentation includes a variety of procedures, including sinus lifts, bone graft procedures, and manipulation of bone using an osteotome or osteotome mallet. Since an implant cannot be done without a certain amount of bone available, it becomes necessary for a periodontal surgeon to stimulate the patient to grow more bone in the area, or to remove bone from one area and place it in the area where the implant will be done.

Bone augmentation is not uncommon during dental implant procedures especially in cases of bone atrophy, where tooth loss without replacement has caused the deterioration of bone over time. Bone augmentation surgery can be done to improve the likelihood of being able to place an implant, but it does require implant surgery to be delayed while the bone heals.

A dental bone graft is a procedure performed to increase the amount of bone in a part of the jaw where bone has been lost or where additional support is needed. Bone may be taken from elsewhere in the body and surgically fused to existing bone in the jaw. Sometimes, synthetic bone material is used. A dental bone graft is sometimes needed if further procedures, such as dental implants, are necessary or if bone loss is affecting the health of nearby gums and teeth.

Dental restoration is a broad term used to encompass any dental procedure, artificial substance or structure with protects the mouth’s ability to eat and chew. The most common form of dental restoration are dental fillings.

Dentoalveolar surgery refers to any procedures on the teeth or jaw bones. This can include dental implants, removal of teeth and removal of cysts of the jaw.

Facial trauma refers to any type of maxillofacial injury. This may include skin and soft tissue injuries to the face such as burns or abrasions, or fractures of the maxillofacial region such as nasal fracture, or fractures of the jaw.

An upper jaw, or maxillary, torus presents as a bony lump in the middle of the palate. Lower jaw, or mandibular, tori present as bony lumps on the right and left of the jaw, along the surface that abuts the tongue, near the premolar teeth.

Oral pathology is the study of oral diseases. Diagnostic procedures include conventional biopsy, brush biopsy, and exfoliative cytology.

Orthognathic surgery is corrective jaw and face surgery related to face structure and conditions such as sleep apnoea, TMJ disorders or malocclusion. Typically, it is performed when braces cannot treat a particular orthodontic problem.

Sinus lift surgery is a treatment approach your dentist may recommend when you desire dental implants but don’t have enough jaw bone to secure the implant.

Other names for this procedure include sinus augmentation or sinus graft. Several kinds of medical specialists may perform this procedure, such as a periodontists or oral surgeons.

There are lots of techniques that a dental specialist can use to perform sinus lift surgery. Keep reading to find out more about these approaches and how they may help secure your dental implants.

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge-like joint which joins the jaw to the skull. TMJ dysfunction typically occurs as a result of arthritis or jaw related injury. TMJ disorders are usually managed through arthrocentesis and injections.

Achilles tendon repair surgery is a type of surgery to fix a damaged Achilles tendon.

The Achilles tendon is a strong, fibrous cord in the lower leg. It connects the muscles of your calf to your heel. It’s the largest tendon in your body.

In some cases, the Achilles tendon can tear, or rupture. This is usually due to a sudden, strong force. It can happen during tough physical activity. It can happen if you suddenly move faster or pivot on your foot. Having a foot that turns outward too much can increase your risk of a torn tendon. A ruptured Achilles tendon can cause pain and swelling near your heel. You may not be able to bend your foot downward.

During the surgery, an incision is made in the back of the calf. If the tendon is ruptured, the surgeon will stitch the tendon back together. If the tendon is degenerated, the surgeon may remove the damaged part of the tendon and repair the rest of the tendon with stitches. If there is severe damage to a lot of the tendon, the surgeon might replace part or all of your Achilles tendon. This is done with a tendon taken from another place in your foot. In some cases, the Achilles tendon repair surgery can be done as a minimally invasive procedure. This is done with several small incisions instead of one large one. It may use a special scope with a tiny camera and a light to help do the repair.

The purpose of an ACJ excision procedure is to remove a damaged Acromioclavicular Joint (ACJ). The ACJ may have been damaged from injury or arthritis.

Anterior cruciate reconstruction (ACL reconstruction) is a common procedure tin which a graft is used to reconstruct the ligament in the knee.

Acromioplasty is an arthoroscopic procedure used to treat impingement or bursitis of the shoulder.

Ankle arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that Orthopaedic surgeons use to treat problems in the ankle joint. Ankle arthroscopy uses a thin fiber-optic camera (arthroscope) that can magnify and transmit images of the ankle to a video screen. Ankle arthroscopies can reduce ankle pain and improve overall function.

Arthroscopy can be used to diagnose and treat different disorders of the ankle joint. The list of problems that can sometimes be treated with this technology is constantly evolving and includes:

  • Ankle arthritis: Ankle fusion is a treatment option for many patients with end-stage ankle arthritis. Ankle arthroscopy offers a minimally invasive way to perform ankle fusion. Results can be equal to or better than open techniques.
  • Ankle fractures: Ankle arthroscopy may be used along with open techniques of fracture repair. This can help to ensure normal alignment of bone and cartilage. It also may be used during ankle fracture repair to look for cartilage injuries inside the ankle.
  • Ankle instability: Ligaments of the ankle can become stretched out, which can lead to a feeling that the ankle “gives out.” These ligaments can be tightened with surgery. Arthroscopic techniques may be an option for treating moderate instability.

An arthroscopy is a procedure in which an endoscope is inserted in a joint through a small excision in order to diagnose and treat a number of conditions. An arthroscopy can be performed on a knee, shoulder, wrist or ankle.

Biceps reimplantation is the surgical treatment of bicep tendonitis of the shoulder. The surgeon cuts the tendon and reattachs it to the humerus bone therefore reducing pressure from the shoulder.

Endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery is the use of an endoscope to cut the transverse carpal ligament. The endoscope is usually inserted through a small incision in the palm.

Carpal tunnel release is a surgery used to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. During the surgery, the surgeon will cut the carpal ligament to relieve pressure on the median nerve, and make more space for the nerve and tendons.

De Quervain’s tendinosis is treated by reducing the swelling/irritation of the tendons and tendon sheath, thereby relieving the pain caused by the condition.

Surgical TreatmentSurgery may be recommended if symptoms are severe or do not improve with non-operative management. The goal of surgery is to release the tendon sheath to make more room for the irritated tendons. When done correctly, this can relieve the symptoms of De Quervain’s tenosynovitis without affecting hand/wrist function.

During surgery:

  • The surgeon first identifies and protects the nerves that live near the tendon sheath.
  • The surgeon then releases the sheath in a way that avoids tendon instability.
  • If there is excess tissue (tenosynovium) around the tendons, the surgeon will remove it.
  • The incision is then closed, and a bandage (and sometimes a splint) is applied.

Regardless of the treatment, you can usually resume normal use of the hand once comfort and strength have returned. Your orthopaedic surgeon can advise you on the best treatment for your situation.

Dupuytren’s contracture is the development of a fibrous connection between the finger tendons and the skin of the palm resulting in a forward curvature or ‘clawing’ of one or more fingers. Treatment for Dupuytren’s contracture includes needling, injections and surgical procedures to sever the tissue causing the contracture.

A joint replacement (or arthroplasty) is usually performed to ease arthritis related symptoms, and will most likely involve a surgeon removing the affected joint and replacing it with an artificial implant.

Labral reconstruction is a procedure in which the native labrum is reconstructed using a graft.

Lateral release surgery is a procedure performed on the knee to realign the patella (kneecap). It is usually performed as an arthroscopic procedure.

Lateral collateral ligament (LCL) is a thin set of tissues present on the outer side of the knee, connecting the thighbone (femur) to the fibula (side bone of lower leg). It provides stability as well as limits the sidewise rotation of the knee. Tear or injury of LCL may cause instability of the knee that can be either reconstructed or repaired to regain the strength and movement of the knee.

LCL reconstruction involves replacement of the torn ligament with healthy strong tissue or graft. The tissue or graft can be taken either from the tissue bank (called allograft) or from the patient’s body (called autograft). The type of graft used, depends upon the condition of the patient and choice of your surgeon. Hamstring tendons are commonly used as autograft, as removal of such tendons does not affect the strength of the legs and effectively stabilizes the knee. A small incision is made on the lateral side of the knee to perform the LCL reconstruction. The procedure is done through an open incision and not arthroscopically. The thighbone and fibula bones are drilled precisely and accurately with specialized instruments to form tunnels. The ends of the tendon graft are passed through tunnels and are fixed by using screws, metal staples or large sutures. The knee undergone LCL reconstruction surgery is braced for 6-8 weeks.

Meniscal repair is a surgical procedure performed to repair torn knee cartilage.

Metatarsophalangeal (MTP) Joint Fusion is a surgical procedure in which the MTP Joint (big joint of the big toe) are fused together.

An open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) is a procedure in which the fracture is reduced and fixated using wires, plates or screws.

Partial knee replacement surgery can help manage arthritis pain that hasn’t responded to other treatments. It involves the replacement of a damaged part of your knee joint. It has a shorter recovery time than full knee replacement surgery but isn’t right for everyone.

PCL ruptures are less common than ACL ruptures and often do not require surgery. In certain situations where there is instability, pain or swelling of the knee joint, then surgery may be appropriate. The surgery is frequently carried out as a day surgery procedure.

All reconstructive procedures for the PCL require a graft. A common technique involves grafting the torn PCL with segments of the hamstring tendons. If the surgery involves the reconstruction of multiple ligaments at once, different graft materials may be used.

In general, most techniques utilise specially designed screws allowing secure immediate fixation of the graft material within bone tunnels drilled into the knee.

Syndesmosis ligament injuries often occur in conjunction with other ankle injuries, including sprains and fractures. If a damaged syndesmosis is left untreated, poor results often occur. The ankle joint is held in proper alignment by the ends of the tibia and fibula, which wraps around the inner and outer side of the ankle. If the syndesmosis is damaged, the ankle joint may become unstable.

A syndesmosis injury occurs when the foot twists outwards relative to the leg. This type of injury can occur when the ankle is forcefully twisted outwards, or when the foot is planted, and the leg twists inwards.

When the syndesmosis is repaired surgically, this is usually done with metal screws that pass through the fibula and into the tibia. These screws must be positioned once the syndesmosis has been placed in proper position and alignment. Either one or two screws may be used, depending on the type of injury and your surgeon’s preference.

Often, your surgeon will recommend removing the screws after about 3-4 months.

Rotator cuff repair procedures are most commonly performed by arthroscopic surgery, however in some cases open shoulder surgery may be necessary. The procedure involves removing any loose fragments from the area, and then surgically repairing the tendon.

Subacromial decompression is a procedure used to treat shoulder impingement, usually by reshaping a part of the shoulder blade.

Synovectomy is the surgical removal of the inflamed synovium (the tissue lining the joint), and is usually performed with an arthroscopy. The surgery is usually performed in cases of inflammatory arthritis where there is swelling causing pain, or limiting the range of motion of the digits and thumb.

Trapeziectomy is the removal of the trapezium (cubed shaped bone in the wrist) due to pain (usually from osteoarthritis).

Trigger Finger, also known as stenosing tenosynovitis or flexor tendonitis, is a condition where one of the fingers or thumb of the hand is caught in a bent position. Surgery may be undertaken to release the tight portion of the flexor tendon sheath.

Ulnar Shortening Surgery involves cutting the ulnar bone in the forearm, removing a thin slice and then fixing the bone together with a plate and screws.

Percutaneous disc decompression procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis and requires only local anesthetic and mild sedation, alleviating the possible complications of open surgery and general anesthesia. This invasive procedure completes the continuum of care for patients who want a minimally invasive alternative to surgery.

Chronic persistent pain can arise from any one of a number of sources in the patients back or neck. Often it may be possible to pinpoint this to one or more joints of the spine (these are called zygapophysial joints, or incorrectly, facet joints). The fine-needle injection provides useful information about potentially problematic joints that help to guide the treatment approach. The joint injection is used primarily for diagnostic purposes and is not therapeutic in nature. However, if the block is successful and it breaks the pain cycle, up to a third of people having the injection notice a useful reduction in the severity of pain for a period of days or weeks.

Radiofrequency neurotomy uses heat generated by radio waves to target specific nerves and temporarily turn off their ability to send pain signals. The procedure is also known as radiofrequency ablation.

Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) and peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) are two common examples of neuromodulation used for the treatment of pain and have been shown to be effective treatment options for many patients with refractory neuropathic pain.

Commonly referred to as a ‘tummy-tuck’, an abdominoplasty is a cosmetic or reconstructive surgery to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, and to tighten the stomach muscles.

Breast reduction surgery also known as reduction mammoplasty is a procedure to reduce the size of large breasts through the removal of excess fat, tissue and skin from the breasts.

The forehead lift or browlift is performed to correct sagging eyebrows or improve the lines of a person’s forehead.

Facelift, also known as meloplasty or rhytidectomy, involves surgical procedures that tightens and removes drooping skin.

Gynaecomastia surgery aims to remove the excess breast tissue, fat and skin from the male chest. Surgery usually consists of a combination of liposuction followed by glandular excision.

A lipectomy refers to any surgical procedure carried out to remove excess body fat. The most common of which is liposuction (a surgical procedure which suctions out excess fat).

Reconstructive surgery repairs parts of your body affected by defects you were born with, defects that have developed because of disease, or defects caused by an injury. Cleft lip and palate repair and breast reconstructions are examples of reconstructive surgery.

The word “reconstructive” means to rebuild after something has been damaged or destroyed.

Skin grafting is a surgical procedure that involves removing skin from one area of the body and moving it to a different area of the body. This surgery may be done if a part of your body has lost its protective covering of skin due to burns, injury, or illness.

Skin grafts are performed in a hospital. Most skin grafts involve general anesthesia, which means you’ll be asleep throughout the procedure and won’t feel any pain.

Otoplasty, also known as ear correction surgery or ‘ear pinning’, is performed to move prominent or protruding ears closer to the head. It is done using permanent sutures to hold the ears in place.

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure which improves the appearance or function of the nose by reshaping the nasal bone and cartilage. It is performed by either an Otolaryngologist – head and neck surgeon, Maxillofacial surgeon, or Plastic surgeon.

Sentinel node biopsy is usually performed to identify whether cancer such as breast cancer or melanoma has spread to the lymphatic system. The procedure involves injecting a tracer material to help locate the nodes, and then removing the nodes for analysis.

A cheilectomy is the surgical removal of bone spurs from around the big toe joint. This procedure is done to reduce pain that results from hallux rigidus, stiffness of the big toe that can develop due to repetitive foot injuries and arthritis of the big toe joint. Cheilectomy is considered a joint sparing treatment because it preserves motion of the toe joint.

Derotation arthroplasty is the time-tested procedure for the repair of a symptomatic adductovarus deformity of the fifth toe.

Hallux valgus (bunions) is a very widespread misalignment of the big toes. The big toe noticeably drifts to the outer edge of the foot, where it also crowds the smaller toes. With the hallux valgus deformity the metatarsophalangeal joint is overstrained and as a result painful arthritis of the big toe (hallux rigidus) can develop.

The protruding bunion at the metatarsophalangeal joint becomes inflamed and painful and can swell.

The circumcision procedure (for infant males) involves the use of a Plastibell (a small plastic ring) which is slipped over the glans, and the foreskin is laid over it.

A cystoscopy is a procedure in which a thin flexible tube with a camera and light on the end is inserted through the urethra and into the bladder. The procedure is most commonly undertaken to investigate the bladder for any abnormalities.

ESWL is a noninvasive procedure that breaks down stones in parts of the urinary system, in the pancreas and in the bile ducts. It uses shock waves that are aimed at stones, with the help of X-rays or ultrasound.

A frenuloplasty is a procedure used to treat pain caused by tight or short frenulum of the penis.

A bladder biopsy is a diagnostic surgical procedure in which a doctor removes cells or tissue from your bladder to be tested in a laboratory. This typically involves inserting a tube with a camera and a needle into the urethra, which is the opening in your body through which urine is expelled.

The stent facilitates intraocular pressure lowering thereby potentially either minimising glaucoma medication, or giving better intraocular pressure control in patients who are poorly controlled.

A stent removal is the removal of a ureteral stent by a surgeon using a cystoscope. A cystoscope is a thin, flexible tube with a camera and a light that is inserted through the urethra.

A TRUS biopsy is a procedure where a tissue sample of the prostate gland is taken via a rectal ultrasound probe.

Urodynamics involves bladder and urethra assessments

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure that sterilises a man by cutting the vas deferens, which are tubes that carry sperm from the testes to the penis.

As with endovenous laser ablation (EVLA), radiofrequency ablation (RFA) relies on thermal (heat based) damage to the vein, that leads to immediate closure of the vein. Once the vein is treated by radiofrequency ablation, it will gradually undergo complete absorption by the body and disappear over time.

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