
Cura Day Hospitals Group

Cura Day Hospitals Group Breaking Barriers with Period Positivity

In an effort to promote menstrual equity, Cura Day Hospitals Group has introduced a period positivity program, installing free pad and tampon dispensers in all staff bathrooms.

Cura has partnered with Essity to implement the Libra Period Positivity Program in the hopes of strengthening access to period care products and removing the stigma and embarrassment associated with periods.

Cura Day Hospitals Group CEO Andrew Currie said creating better access to these products means no staff should ever have to feel embarrassed and anxious about affordability or accessibility, miss out on work or training, or improvise on products.

“We are aiming to minimise the impacts periods can have on our employees’ daily lives and this program is the first step we can administer to address social stigmas and financial barriers that may be preventing our staff from reaching their full potential,” Mr Currie said.

“Access to free period care products makes people feel supported, safe and cared for and in turn this enhances performance at work or in training,”

“We are looking forward to raising awareness about menstrual equity through constructive solutions and we are confident we can all work together to make a significant impact.”

Essity Australasia Executive General Manager B2B Jody Scaife said that implementing the Libra Period Positivity Program demonstrates progressive leadership and a culture of care.

“When over 54% of Australians think it’s still taboo to talk openly about periods, the implementation of this program demonstrates a commitment to changing the conversation,” said Ms Scaife.

“This focus on a practical period care solution communicates an inclusive workplace, removing the anxiety and associated with navigating the menstrual cycle at work.”

The free period care products will be available for all Cura Day Hospitals Group employees from September 2023.

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